Thursday, 27 November 2014 |
At a press conference held on 27 Nov. 2014, PAGASA’s STC was on hand with Jesse Cham/Pres.- Meat Importers & Traders Assn. (MITA/center) and L-R, Mr. Dizon/ Pres.-Cold Chain Assn. of the Phils. (CCAP), Ms. Maria Januszczak/Trade Commissioner for Agri., Food & Bev. of the Canadian Embassy & Francisco Buencamino/Exec. Dir. of the Phil. Assn. of Meat Processors, Inc. (PAMPI) to attest to the fact that imported meat is safe to eat and is not contaminated as mentioned in the news recently Said press conference was held at the Milky Way Restaurant in Makati.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 January 2021 )
Wednesday, 26 November 2014 |
 On  26 November 2014, PAGASA held its last General Meeting for 2014 at the Quezon City Sports Club. Discussed were the feared possible lack of supply this Yuletide Season given the unsolved problem of Port Congestion and the inevitable rise in prices due to insufficient supply. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 January 2021 )