Tuesday, 12 November 2013
EMERGENCY NPCC MEETING for TYPHOON YOLANDA Just one day after the Emergency Meeting to ascertain supplies of food and basic necessities in affected areas, DTI Sec. Domingo calls a National Price Coordinating Council (NPCC) Meeting on the afternoon of 11/12/13. Meeting is to implement a price freeze on all goods and commodities nationwide in view of affected supplies in damaged areas. In anticipation of increased demand for relief goods from neighboring Cebu and Manila which may cause prices to balloon nationwide, the President has declared a National State of Calamity which triggers a price freeze. Prices may go down but may not go up for basic necessities (based on their average for the last three months as monitored by DTI’s BTRCP) until the President lifts said State of Calamity. Price freeze will be implemented by region if applicable and by province if necessary effective immediately.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 28 January 2021 )